Rules & Regulations

Aishwarya College reserves all the right to cancel any form if the form is incomplete and any invalid information is found in the form. No refund of fees will be made once deposited. 

Admission Policy: Admission to the MBA (RMAP) & MCA (RMCAAP) programmes are made through a centralized admission process by an agency nominated by the state government.

Reservation of Seats Policy: As per the state government rules the, reservation policy is not applicable to self-financing institutions.

Attendance Rules:

A candidate shall be required to attend minimum 75% of the classes held in each paper including the tutorials and practicals, if any. A candidate failing to satisfy the above-mentioned requirement of attendance in one or more papers shall be detained from appearing at the examination.

Students must go through the prospectus and instructions mentioned on the admission form minutely and carefully before filling up the admission form. Please refer to the college website for complete rules and regulations.

Rules and Regulations

1.   All students will have to tender individually an undertaking in writing that they will abide by all the rules and regulations of the college and instructions given from time to time.

2.   Fees, funds, or any dues once paid will not be refundable, transferable, or adjustable under any circumstances. Miscellaneous fees such as Library and ID Card fees Student Club fees etc. will be charged as and when at the concerned stages of the application process.

Apart from the above Fees, other fees such as Enrollment Fee, Exam Fee, Revaluation Fee, etc. will be chargeable extra as per the norms of the concerned University.

3.   It is mandatory for every student to wear College Uniform along with Black Formal Shoes, Tie and Identity Card. Failing which they will not be allowed to enter to the College.

4.   It is mandatory for all students to attend at least 75% of the lectures delivered in the class otherwise students will not be allowed to appear in the final examination.

  1. Students should visit and see the college Notice Board daily to keep themselves abreast of the latest instructions and information.
  2. If any wrong information is furnished or facts are concealed knowingly or unknowingly by any students regarding his/her academic or other documents, his / her admission shall be liable to cancellation without giving any prior notice.
  3. The principal as well as the Management Committee of the College reserve the right to amend, to modify or add any rules and regulations as warranted under the precipitating circumstances.
  4. Harming the properties of the college is strictly prohibited. The concerned student will be fined for that.
  5. Students can submit their suggestions/complaints, if any, to the concerned Class Coordinator in writing.